Winners of the Fifth-Week Raffle
Winners of the Fifth-Week Raffle.
For the Air We Breathe!
On June 22, 2022, "Rompetrol Georgia" held the fifth weekly raffle for its loyalty card “Rompetrol Card” holders within the campaign “For the Air We Breathe!”. 37 winners of the fifth-week raffle were revealed.
Information about the winners is given in the following formats: name, surname, last 6 digits of Rompetrol Card, transaction code, unique code of the ticket, and won prize.
ირინე ჭელიძე, 557850, 123302681, 00098944, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Nika Pertaia, 065630, 123181914, 00078756, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
თეა ჯანჯღავა, 497290, 123337312, 00089641, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
გიორგი ქისტაური, 530720, 123226446, 00097711, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
giorgi muradiani, 028470, 123412790, 00077970, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
მამუკა სოფრომაძე, 383230, 123217021, 00096861, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
vladimer girkelidze, 044930, 123370917, 00078248, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Giorgi Takidze, 076900, 123399078, 00079041, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
dato chavadze, 548110, 123285322, 00092636, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
ალექსანდრე ეთერია, 387090, 123360607, 00096886, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
ნატალია ჭუმბურიძე, 018230, 123275262, 00077801, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Givi Qantaria, 141150, 123334720, 00080378, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
salome shargiani, 425550, 123348655, 00087086, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Giorgi Mamuladze, 581800, 123274709, 00094244, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
ბორის მანაგაძე, 367510, 123303930, 00085366, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
ავთანდილ ყაველაშვილი, 450890, 123319001, 00087889, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
მარიამ ქავთარაძე, 438810, 123352393, 00098706, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
davit popiashvili, 212780, 123357359, 00081716, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Sulkhan Chkhikvadze, 025040, 123423725, 00077924, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Kakhaber Kesareli, 193670, 123284050, 00081340, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
კონსტანტინე გომელაური, 481430, 123318644, 00088998, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
ვასილ სითათაშვილი, 217490, 123338698, 00081787, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
პაატა ღვინიანიძე, 590080, 123365890, 00094991, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
ირაკლი თურმანიძე, 080690, 123270165, 00079120, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Tornike Khukhia, 388200, 123416719, 00086009, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
იმედა აბაშიძე, 154940, 123321728, 00096119, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
რომან ბრუნჯაძე, 366600, 123384796, 00085347, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
Giga Tkemaladze, 136550, 123331053, 00080282, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
გაგა ფორჩხიძე, 576970, 123306693, 00093894, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
revaz kirvalidze, 110480, 123289998, 00079784, "Greenway" technical inspection voucher
გოჩა ვახტანგიშვილი, 186100, 123383259, 00081220, 500 GEL "Efix" fuel voucher
გიორგი მოდებაძე, 437340, 123344479, 00098705, 500 GEL "Efix" fuel voucher
zuriko giorgahvili, 577600, 123348197, 00093954, 500 GEL "Efix" fuel voucher
lika turmanidze, 318970, 123239903, 00084101, 500 GEL "Efix" fuel voucher
Xvicha Berulava, 504460, 123391960, 00089910, 500 GEL "Efix" fuel voucher
lasha gogoladze, 298700, 123321007, 00083649, 5000 GEL "Efix" fuel voucher
qamran osmanovi, 555160, 123411765, 00093081, Air Purifier
Rules for receiving prizes
The winner of each weekly raffle must arrive to receive the prize within 30 calendar days after the end of the raffle.
The winner must present an ID card and a loyalty card or a notarized power of attorney of the respective winner (the power of attorney must indicate the personal number of the winner and the number of the loyalty card). If a person is not identified, he/she will not be recognized as a winner and will not be awarded the appropriate prize.
The prize will be awarded to the winner no later than 6 (six) calendar days after the submission of the above documentation.
Prizes will be awarded by the organizer of the raffle, "Rompetrol Georgia" at the following address: 23 Vasil Petriashvili Street, Tbilisi, every Thursday and Friday from May 26 to August 18.
In the case of Greenway technical inspection, the winners will receive the prize immediately in the form of an SMS message sent to their phone number. The prize can be redeemed with a unique ticket code sent via SMS message and ID at the Greenway Technical Inspection Service Centers by September 1, 2024.
The company does not reimburse any additional costs for receiving/using the prizes.
Payment of cash fee correspondent to prizes value is prohibited.
Any claim related to the prize will be accepted by email to The claim will be considered by the raffle organizer within 5 working days after the submission of the claim. Feedback to the author of the claim will be sent in writing to the same address from which the claim was lodged.
Find detailed information about the raffle on the link:
Contact Information:
Toll Number: + (995 32) 224 04 44
Rompetrol Georgia Head Office: + (995 32) 291 07 27 / 291 07 78